

About my favorite place

 LaLaport TOKYO-BAY is the third biggest shopping center in Japan. It is in Minami Funabashi. There are 540 stores which amuse any customers regardless of gender or age; clothes shops, movie theaters, an electrical stores, restaurants, toyshops, and so on. The shopping mall has three buildings and one street in its ground; WEST building, NORTH building, SOUTH building, and
  First WEST has four floors, a drug store, a super market, and clothes shops on the first floor, and general stores and a furniture store are on the second floor, and a big toy store is on the third floor, and a restaurant area on the fourth floor. Next NORTH mainly has clothes shops for young people in the two-story, and there are CENTER COURT, FOREST COURT, EAST COURST, and KIDS COURT to have a break and have an event on the first floor, where there are green trees making us comfortable. SOUTH has many clothes shops and general stores for everyone on the first and two floors, and there are many various famous restaurants whish have exotic atmosphere on the third floor, and the building has big movie theaters. Along the
which has many beautiful palm trees like Hawaii, it is 100 meters, there are thirty shops and restaurants.

 In April 1981, Mitsui Fudosan.Co established the store referring to Ala Moana Center in Hawaii. At the time there are 200stores in the moll, but it had already been one of the largest shopping moll in Japan.  The name was often changed; at first it had been called “LaLaport-Funabashi shopping center”, then was called “TOKYO-BAY LaLaport”, after that the name “LaLaport TOKYO-BAY” has been used.  Now, LaLaport TOKYO-BAY has various events all over seasons therefore 25 million people come there throughout a year. And this year LaLaport sees its 30th birthday come round. For renewal, WEST buildings are going to be closed January 29 and the sale of it has been held now.

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