


I went to AKB48's Janken festival in Nippon Budoukan with my friend.
We were so excited that we did not talk after that.
I had thought that Janken was not fun, but that was wrong, the festival was very nice!
Live which took place after the game was nice, too(/ω\)

They gave me a power!

 I met my friends there, moreover our seat was very very near.w

What a small world!!!


This curry shop "sitar" is the most popular in Chiba.
It is placed near my house, so my family often go there to eat curry.
☚ I love this menu of the all.

This restaurant has a lot of customers every day, therefor we must go before it is opened.=3


Last Wednesday I went to the Tokyo Disney Land, but before that day I had stayed up late, therefore I drank this drink .That was my first time to drink a energy drink.

As soon as I drank it, my eyes were perfectly opened!

Thanks for it, I had a good time at TDL.


I went to Nippon Budoukan with my friend to watch AKB48's game! They are going to do janken to be a selected member today.
That game they did last year was so exiciting, do you know?^^

I am looking forward to go there! It will start from 6:00!


I went to Odaiba with my friend  August 29.
We had a good time to watch movie “kokuriko saka kara”, to go the sea, to eat delicious dinner^^

Talking with my friends is so fun!

That was nice day^^



  Last Wednesday, I went to the rabbit cafe "Ra.a.g.f" in Harajuku with my friends. I had wanted to go there since I heard of this shop.
The cafe has a lot of cute rabbits, and we can play with them freely. I love animals especially rabbits, so I was excited^^
Today,  there are varies animal cafe in Japan. Particularly  what I was surprised is reptile cafe! ……I'll try it someday!

mits ♀


   I went to NIKE shop in Harajuku lastweek. It has many varies sneakers, bags, and wears. And in this shop, we can design original sneakers ourselves. I did not design that day, but  I want to do someday.
Because my leg is thick, I usually wear high heels. So I want to be slim woman who suit sneakers well.!^^